

Hey there! Thanks for visiting my little web space here. I’m Racquel, the owner and photographer. I’ve been running this business for 7 years now, and I’ve loved every second. I’ve said it before many times, but I feel so blessed and thankful the Lord has given me this gift/passion for photography. It’s because of Him all of this has happened. He gets all the glory! I never in my dreams thought that I would be running a small business and would feel so much joy from being able to document and capture memories through pictures. So if you’ve used me, THANK YOU! It means so much!

As you can see from the image below, I have a husband (15 years) and 3 little guys; Liam (11), Graham (9), and Machlan (7). They keep me busy and humble me daily. Ha! If and when I have free time, you can find me on the porch drinking coffee and reading a book, having friends over for dinners, traveling around the country, or spending time with family. Those are a few of my favorite things. Thanks again for stopping by, I look forward to working with you in the future :)
